
Packaging and Preparing for Publishing and Launch

Start creating your back cover copy, landing page, accounts, and design so you're ready to go with an email list when it's time to launch

Getting the first draft of your back cover copy
Why start with the back cover, and why do it at this point? Because by doing it now, you’ll be able to leverage your back cover copy in many different places. While the content will be on the back of your book, it will also form the core of your landing page and your Amazon description. Tackling this now gives you the ability to leverage it in multiple ways going forward.

There are really four main components to your back cover. The first is the headline, which is very similar to your offer above. The second is what they will get out of the book worded in outcomes and benefits to them (these are your bullet points). The third is the call to action to pick up or buy the book, and the fourth is your “about the author” brief.

Think about it this way: When you flip a book over from the front to the back and see a great headline that speaks directly to you, it catches your attention and makes you want to know more. So the first part of your back cover copy is simply your headline, and it should be pretty close to the wording of your offer above, with the format of “How to ____ Without ____.” You can even add an, “Even if ___” to it. I like to have this little bigger than the rest of the text, just so it stands out.

After that, you want to start talking about what's in it for them and what the reader will get out of the book. I like to have one sentence that calls out the major problem of your audience. And then follow it with a sentence that says, “And that's exactly what you'll learn inside this book, including…” Then go on to listing off bullet points. When it comes to bullet points, you're looking for anywhere from five to 10, depending on how long they are.

You don't want so many that it makes the font on your back cover tiny, but you want to make sure you share as many benefits as you can. The best way to write a bullet is to tell them what they'll learn, and then put a “so that” or similar statement at the end. This makes sure that you keep it focused on them and what they get from the book, instead of just what it covers.

Once you get your bullets. You want to have a call to action at the end. Most often something as simple as, “Pick up your copy now and get ready to [big benefit]!”

That forms the core of your back cover, and all that’s left is your short “about the author” paragraph, with a small picture of you, towards the bottom. All you need is a two to three short sentence version of your about the author section that you’ll put inside the book (more on that later). I like to have one sentence showing your credibility and expertise, followed by another sentence that shares your passion. Finally, I like to have one sentence that shows you're human and talks a little bit about your family or where you live. It’s that simple!

A back cover example (our Realtor sales book)
Going back to our working book about new realtors being able to sell and close deals, we might see a back cover like the below.

How to Close the Deal Without Feeling Uncomfortable Asking for Business, Even if You’ve Never Been in Sales!

You have a passion for real estate and you know you do good work, but it’s HARD finding enough people (and the right kinds of people) that will “sign on the line” with you. Well, good news, because that’s EXACTLY what this book will do for you. Inside, you’ll learn…
  • The key to sharing what you do with others (so you never have to be uncomfortable or impose on people)

  • How to start a conversation with a homeowner that has them seeking you out (allowing you to skip the sleazy “chase” that turns so many people off)

  • Eight things every homeowner wants from their Realtor (hint - it’s NOT years of experience, but it is THIS)

  • The four-step S.A.L.E. process that closes the deal every time (so you always have an easy way to win the business without pushing the prospect away)

  • …and MUCH more!

If you’re ready to dominate at Real Estate sales while never feeling uncomfortable again, pick up your copy today!

[AUTHOR IMAGE] James Smith went from zero to hundreds of transactions a year without any sales experience and plenty of fear. Now, he’s a leading producer on a mission to help other Realtors become the best version of themselves and make massive sales. When not coaching other Realtors, James lives in the Midwest with his incredible wife and two amazing kids.

That’s it! Just remember, it’s all fluid. Follow the basic format and be yourself and it’ll be great. You’ll have plenty of time to revise it, but the important part is getting it going so you have something to leverage as we move forward.

If you’ve done everything up until now, you’re sitting in good shape. You’ve completed your outline and your back cover copy. So let’s set up our accounts really quick and then move on to getting your actual cover designed (so you can get it on your landing page, social media, etc., and start building your list!)

Setting up your accounts
This step is pretty easy, but it’s one that you have to do if you want your book out into the world. It’s time to set up your accounts.

To do that, you'll want to create logins for three to four different portals: your Amazon publishing account (KDP, short for Kindle Direct Publishing), your email list account (I prefer ConvertKit), your ISBN (book registration through Bowker), and potentially a website devoted to your book (through Google Domains, tied into ConvertKit). Having these accounts set up now will save you time later, and it will also let you start promoting your book and collecting email addresses ASAP.

(Quick note: you may want to head over to Gmail and get an email specifically for your book publishing. This helps keep the accounts separate and make sure nothing important gets lost in your regular email. The format I always use is the author’s full name with “author” at the end. So

Your publishing account through Amazon KDP
Amazon’s own KDP - Kindle Direct Publishing - is the fastest and most efficient way to get paperbacks and Kindles/eBooks loaded on Amazon and out to the world. Head on over to and either create an account (if you created a new email above or if you don’t have a regular Amazon account). It’s a pretty easy process, and, at this point, all you need to do is get to where you’re logged in. We’ll cover the rest in a later section.

Your email list account
To help with your launch and to build an asset after your book is live, you need an email list. If you have one already for a business that’s tied into your book, you can use that, or you can create a new one specific to the launch. If you’re going to use a new one, make sure that you can set a tag for people who come through your book landing page.

If you’re starting a new email list, which I recommend, the best out there is ConvertKit. There are a ton of options, but I love ConvertKit because it has some of the best deliverability rates (meaning your emails aren’t screened out), is very easy to use, and has a landing page builder right in it that takes about 10 minutes to use. It’s also free for the first 500 subscribers, which is hard to beat. After that, it starts at $29 a month, which is still low considering all the features.

Head on over to ConvertKit and set up your account. While you can use a Gmail account, such as the one you created above, you’ll be best served if you have a non-Gmail or Yahoo, Hotmail, etc. account. This is another reason to set up a book website as mentioned below. The good news is it’s CHEAP to have a book website (about $12 a year) and you can build it easily with ConvertKit's landing page made in about 10 minutes. (Don’t worry though, you can change the “send” email later, so if you just want to get signed up with your Gmail one, go for it!)

Your ISBN/registration account through Bowker
One of the best things about self-publishing your book is that you own the rights to it. Most people are surprised to learn that traditional publishers own the rights to the books they publish, NOT the authors. To make sure you have the rights, you want to register yourself and your title through Bowker. If you use this link (, it’s $25 off, thanks to Amazon. (Here’s Amazon’s explainer page

While you can change your title or subtitle a bit later, it’s ideal to have that locked in before completing this process. You can still set up your account and purchase your identifier before finishing up, though.

As you fill out your registration, you’ll see the label “Imprint” throughout. This can be anything from your name to a publishing DBA or your business name. Most authors will use their company name followed by “Publishing” or “Press,” or simply their name. It’s what will show up under “Publisher” on your book’s Amazon page. For our Realtor sales book example, it could be “James Smith” or “Top Realtor Press” or “Top Producer Publishing.” It’s completely up to you!

A website just for your book
It’s not required to have a separate website for your book, but it does look good and make the process a lot cleaner, and it’s probably significantly easier than it might seem. You don’t need to spend big money or hire anyone (as long as you are using ConvertKit’s landing page maker). All in, with an email address, you’re looking at less than $100 a year. If you don’t want an email address, it’s only $12!

Google Domains is the easiest to use. Head on over to and select “Get a new domain.” From there, you can search for something that will work for your book. The easiest thing is adding “book” to the end of your title. For Example, if our book is Become a Top Realtor, our website might be or even When you purchase your domain, you’ll have the option to add Google Workspace for $6 a month. I recommend that as it gives you access to email at whatever domain you selected. This is huge when it comes to sending emails to your list later on.

If you already have a website, you can simply add a new page such as and make that your landing page, too.

If you want to go full out and build your own website, is the best combination of easy-to-build and functional to generate leads.

And, if you want someone to do any or all of it for you, let us know.

Get your book cover started
Now that you have your account set up, it's time to start thinking about your book cover design (not just the back cover copy). Kindle/digital books are fairly straightforward and easy to get designed. When it comes to your print book, though, you need to think about the size.

Most business-oriented and self-help books are either 6 inches x 9 inches or 5.5 inches x 8.5 inches. Without holding the different sizes near each other, it’s tricky to tell which is which, because they are so close.

I personally prefer 5.5 x 8.5 as I believe it fits a little better in the hand. It also fits nicely into the 6 x 9 envelopes that the USPS has. If you plan to ship your book out frequently. In most cases, you can mail your book for less than $5, all in, if you have a 5.5 x 8.5 book.

When you start your cover, the first thing you want is the front cover and a 3D rendering of the book. You won't be able to have the final print cover until you're done with your draft and it is edited, because the cover designer will need the page length, and type of paper that it will use. (Not to worry, though, as we will cover this later).

There are three good ways to get covers done. The first is usually the cheapest, and that is to head on over to, and look for some designers that you believe can do a good job for your book. Just search “Amazon KDP print cover” and you’ll see plenty of good options. (As with anything, look for lots of good reviews).

I've actually had good luck with these and some of the best-selling books I've created or helped publish started with That being said, if you want to have a bit more of a competition and have a little higher budget, is a great option. In most cases, you can get several people submitting concepts to you, and then you can narrow it down and refine from original options presented to you.

The third option is using a pretty comprehensive service. I use two: and frequently for authors. Both can not only do the cover, but can also handle the formatting of the interior ( actually does it through a partner firm,, and the creation the ebook later on. are the cheaper route but still do a great job. JetLaunch will be the most expensive of the options, but they do many, many covers every day and are very good.

The main thing to keep in mind with anyone you hire is that you're going to want to have the option of several revisions. You'll want to float your top two or three cover designs by your audiences before you launch. That’s a little down the road. For right now, you're just looking to get the front cover and/or a 3D rendering of your book, so you have something to put on your landing page and social media.

When you get that first cover back, it starts to feel pretty real! Don’t let that slow you down. Instead, let’s build your landing page.

Create your landing page
If you’ve never made a landing page before, it may sound pretty daunting, but don’t worry, it’s easy this way. You already have everything you need (or will, if you’re still waiting on your cover).

Quick note: if you ended up not creating a separate website (or page on your existing website) for your book, consider doing it now. You are OK if you don’t want to, but it does lead to a cleaner look for your landing page. Either way, everything below applies to both.

There are three simple components to your book landing page: your back cover copy, your front cover or 3D rendering of your book, and a “get notified” call to action. You can use the same back cover copy you created earlier as the text on your landing page. There will also be a spot to upload a picture, and your book cover is great for it. Finally, the call to action simply asks them for their name and email to get notified of the launch and some special gifts you have for people on your list.

The easiest way to get your book landing page done is to login into your ConvertKit account and go to “Landing Pages” up top. You’ll see a bunch of templates there. My favorite, and the one I use the most often, is the “Hyde” landing page. It works great for books and you can customize the colors and theme. Once you select it, you’ll see a spot for an image on the left. If you click that, it’ll give you a choice to upload a picture - drop your cover or 3D image here.

Once you have the image, you’ll see the headline. That’s where you’ll put your offer or the very top “How to ___” line from your back cover copy.

Then, you’ll see the body of the page with a different color and slightly smaller text. That’s where you’ll want to put the rest of your back cover copy and one additional item: your call to action.

After you drop in your back cover copy, add something like the following as the last line: “Be the first to get notified when the book goes live, including special launch day pricing and special extras, only for people like you on the list!” That’s all you need!

Then, you’ll see the “call to action” button with a spot for them to type in their name and email. You can change the text on the button to something like, “I want in!” or whatever you prefer. You can also change the color, which I like to have match (as closely as possible) the main color on your cover.

Finally, right below that, you’ll see a quick privacy notice. I always change this to something like, “While you’ll get some great things on this list, we’ll never sell or share your information.”

Finally, if you’re using the Hyde landing page template, or even some others, you’ll want to delete out the three “extra” boxes at the bottom. If you remove all of the text and images, it should disappear for you automatically (even if it looks like it won’t).

You either get a link based on your ConvertKit account, or, if you have your own website or page for your book, you can use the ConvertKit WordPress plugin and, in about five minutes, have it loaded on there. That’s all you need to get your landing page all set up! No go out there and share it with everyone via social media, your email signature, etc.

Set up a Facebook group for your book launch (and afterward)
One of the best ways to get a lot of momentum for your book launch is to set up a Facebook group devoted to it. That way, when you post about your upcoming book on social media, you have an easy place to drive people to. When you create your group, place a copy of your book as the profile picture and a few quotes from it as the banner. Rename the group to align with your book and map out your description so that people know what they’ll get from being part of it.

Make sure you provide some extra content to people in this group. If you don’t know what to do, simply do a few Facebook lives each week about the content in your book or share excerpts. And don’t worry if you don’t have a ton of people join - you’re just looking to get content in there.

The point is to get plenty of value for these people so they stay engaged because you’re going to want them to buy your book on launch day. Even more so, you want them to be interested in your topic because these form your first potential customers for your back end after your book launch.

It’s hard to deny the power of Facebook these days, so getting a free group established for your book is a necessity.

Create an email “autoresponder” sequence
If you’ve set up your email system through ConvertKit or another option, and you have an active landing page, you want to set up a series of emails that go out automatically, over a few days, when someone provides you their email address. This lets you build the relationship with them while also getting them excited about your book.

You don’t need to do a ton of emails for this sequence - I’ve found that three, four, or five is about perfect. As you get closer to launch, you’ll want to send a series of emails leading up to the big day and several the day of. We’ll cover that in another section a little later.

The cool thing about setting this up this way is you don’t really have to do anything once it’s established. It’s all automated, which is the best kind of system. ConvertKit has some great training for you that’s quick and easy to get through when it comes to logistics. Just know it shouldn’t take you more than 10 minutes to load them all up after you have them drafted.

What should be in the emails? The most important things are that 1) they get them excited about your book launch, and 2) they get them engaging with you via email and your Facebook group. Here’s the exact flow of a four-email sequence I use for all of the best sellers we launch.

First email
The first email should generally go out right after they sign up, so everything is fresh in their mind. In most cases, I like to have the subject be something like Book Title launch is just around the corner…

In this email, we’re thanking them for joining the list, letting them know again (briefly) what they’ll get for being “here,” and asking them to reply to a question. The reply is huge because it helps your future emails stay in the inbox vs. the “promotions” folder or another black hole. (Gmail and others figure that if you’re replying to someone, it must be a conversation and not a spam or promotion email, so they often “whitelist” your email address).

If you’re ultimately launching a coaching business on your back end, you may want to ask a question like, “If you could receive any ONE piece of coaching from me and my team that could change the game for you, what would it be? Reply back and let me know! (Seriously, please reply - I want to know!)” That’s it, that’s all you have to do.

So a full-flowing email might go something like this:

Hi {name},

Thank them for being on your list

Remind them of one or two big takeaways you’ll give them in the book

Let them know they will be the first to know big things coming, so keep an eye out for these emails

Ask them a question and get them to reply back

Put your name at the end

Finish with a PS statement sharing the main point and asking them to keep their eye out.

That’s all there is to it!

Second email
For the second email, I like it to go out one day after the first, or one day after they have subscribed. I like the subject of this one to be inclusive and let them know they are here for a bigger purpose, even saying exactly that: You are here for a BIG reason…

What we’re going for in this email is more engagement. This time, instead of a reply, we are asking them to click your Facebook group link and join. To do so, you’ll want to pique their interest with some engaging questions. If your book is about real estate sales, like our above book, you might ask them a series of questions like:

  • Wouldn’t it be incredible to double your transactions this year?

  • Do you believe that YOU could do it?

  • And how much do you believe that you have what you need to get it done?

Then, before they get too down on themselves, you want to let them know that we all start unsure of those questions and invite them to your Facebook group, with the link. The important thing is to leave them in a positive state and feeling hopeful, so make sure you let them know you’re going to give them ALL the answers in your book and in the group.

Third email
This is generally about two days after the second email (so a one-day gap) and is pretty short. I almost always start these with a subject like: Could you help me with a question…

That question is short and sweet and should tie into your back end. Going back to the coaching example, we could simply ask, “If you were to design the perfect coaching program, what would that look like? Reply back and let me know! (Please do click “Reply” and share your thoughts, even if it’s just a few words).”

Doing that will help them buy into you a bit more and make sure your emails in the future will stay in their inbox.

Fourth email
I like to give a quick “sneak peek” from the book in this email. I’ve found it best to come out two days after the last email (so another one-day gap) and to have a subject about a sneak peek or quick look, such as: Want to see what no one has seen so far?

You don’t have to do anything fancy here! It’s OK if it’s not perfectly edited or formatted yet - that adds to the realism of it. Make sure it’s not a mess or littered with spelling or grammar errors, though. Professional, not perfect.

Don’t be afraid to give away your best stuff, either. You’ll find that what people read a few pages of your book and think it’s incredible, they’ll wonder to themselves, “Wow, if he/she gave this away for free, whatever else is in there has to be good.”

You can simply print a few pages or part of a chapter to PDF and then upload to a Google Drive folder or similar and allow permissions for anyone with a link to download. Here’s a tip, though: make sure at the bottom of your sneak peek you put something like, “If you enjoyed this and someone forwarded this to you, please head over to [LandingPageLink] and sign up for more bonuses and be notified when [Book Title] goes live!”

These emails all work together to get the reader/subscriber engaging with you, link up with your Facebook group, and get them excited about your book and looking forward to your emails. Not a bad deal for a little bit of work. Keep in mind that while it may take a bit to get these right, once they’re set, you don’t have to repeat the effort. It’s all done and automated for you.

All of this is easier than it may seem, and I know you can do it. That being said, some people have more tasks ahead of them than time, and if that’s you, reach out and we have a service that can do it for you. (And if you just want the email templates - so you know they work and you save time - you can get those here).

Time to start announcing your book to the world!
OK, this one is simple and short, but it’s critical. Start telling everyone about your upcoming book and get them on your email list! Post your cover on social media and drive them to your landing page. Have your book page at the bottom of every email signature. Let mom, dad, grandma, cousins, aunts, uncles, siblings, and friends know it’s on the way.

This can be one of the most uncomfortable parts, but that’s just an indicator that you’re doing the right thing. Don’t let it stop you if someone says something other than incredibly supportive statements. You’re doing something amazing and you’ve gotten this far. Brush off any “haters” and focus on the lovers and keep going.

(Remember, if you included a link to your Facebook group in your email sequence above, you should end up with them on your email list and in your group.)

Establish your “reliable 10” for launch day
One of the most powerful things you can do to properly launch your book and put it in a position to become a best seller is to establish a small group of people that will assist you along the way. These are 10 people (give or take) that you can count on and who will leave you a review and buy copies of the book when it comes out. I call them the “Reliable 10” because that’s what they need to be - reliable.

Just in case you’re like me and tend to back away asking for “favors,” know that people want to see you succeed! We’ve all been asked to help out friends and family with things before, and it feels good. I’ve never had an author tell me someone said “no” or was mad at him or her for asking. So embrace what’s coming and know that these people want you and your book to succeed!

There are three main tasks to ask of your reliable 10 leading up to launch: 1) read a couple of chapters while it’s going through editing, 2) leave a review the week before launch (we’ll cover all of this later), and 3) purchase copies of the book on launch day. They can also help you with the engagement of your Facebook group.

Ask 1 - read and provide feedback
The first thing you’ll ask of your reliable 10 is to read your book! Or at least part of it. You want them to have some familiarity with your book, but don’t worry about having them read it all. To the extent they do, that’s a bonus. As they read, let them know you’d love all feedback, good or bad. That’ll give you a chance to feel out any areas you want to update, change, etc.

Ask 2 - leave a review before launch
There are two types of reviews on Amazon: verified and unverified. As time goes on, you want as many verified reviews as possible, but for now, you just want 5-star reviews. (Verified simply means someone purchased your book and it arrived at the destination 24 hours before the review was submitted.)

Verified reviews carry a bit more weight, but Amazon shows 5-star reviews the same, whether they are verified or unverified. Because of that, you’ll ask your reliable 10 to write a review the week your book is live on Amazon’s website but prior to your formal launch day (we’ll discuss the more later). Why? So that, on launch day when you drive a bunch of people to your book, it’ll show several 5-star reviews, providing the “social proof” that’s needed.

Ask 3 - purchase copies on launch day
The day you launch, you’re going to ask your reliable 10 to buy several copies of your book. This will help boost your sales number and cause the book to get more attention on Amazon, increasing your chances of sustainable organic sales.

Aside from these three asks, feel your reliable 10 out and see if they’d be willing to help with engagement in your Facebook group. Things like posting, commenting, liking, etc. will all help. Consider this a bonus.

And, while you're at it, since you’ll be sending your book along to these folks, how’s the drafting coming along?

Keep pushing forward on the drafting
Now’s the time to be hammering away at creating the draft for your book. Remember, you don’t need to sit down and write the whole thing now. Of course, if you want to, go for it!

For most authors, breaking the drafting down into quick 15 minute chunks is the most powerful way to get it done. Simply grab your outline, open up, and start talking, expanding on each benefit.

If you’re still struggling to make progress, consider switching to the interview format or hiring someone to get it done for you. (We can help, I have great people I can connect you with that will make it a breeze).

And remember, this part is FUN! The precision, perfection, and editing come later. This stage is simply getting all of your content out to the world. Let’s make it happen!

Research your categories and keywords
Have to get it right; categories - competitive but accurate and honest; keywords - what people are searching for isn’t what we think; the best way is Publisher Rocket.

If you’re looking to maximize your book sales over time and your reach or achieve best-seller status, getting the right categories and keywords for your market and target audience is important.

Get the right categories: be accurate, honest, and strategic
Like with a lot of things, there are “hidden” categories that you can get access to. It’s frustrating at first glance that Amazon doesn’t make them readily available, but when you think about it, it’s good news for you because it gives you an advantage.

When you first load your book into Amazon, you’re able to choose just a couple of categories from a smaller list. Once you go “live” though (meaning your book is published on, you’re able to select a total of 10, with the extras coming from a much bigger list.

Put yourself back in the Barnes and Noble or Borders day before Amazon (if you go back that far). When you went to look for a book, you’d find the right section - or category - and browse. That’s still how it works on Amazon today. If we don’t know the exact book we’re looking for, we’ll search. And those searches lead us to books in categories based on our search terms.

To pick the right categories, you want to be accurate (meaning categories that match your book’s topic), honest (don’t try to get the easy-to-win category that doesn’t relate to your book, it’ll backfire), and strategic (find the most competitive categories that fit for your book).

There are two ways to find the right categories. The first is to browse through all the dropdowns on the left and see what fits. You can even click into the category and select the #1 best-selling book and look for its “ABSR,” which stands for Amazon Best Seller Rank. The lower the number, the better the product or book is selling. The higher the number, the worst. Because of this, the #1 selling book in each category has the lowest ABSR of all the books in that category.

What’s the point? By selecting the categories that fit with the highest ABSRs, you’ll put yourself in a position to rank higher because that category is less competitive.

The second way is to use Publisher Rocket because it lays it all out for you. For $99, it’s hard to beat. You can get it here. Simply search in software by words that fit your book and all the categories related will show. You can then sort by “ABSR #1” or “Sales to #1” to determine the least competitive categories that fit.

Once you find the right categories, you’re going to want to document the path for them. In Publisher Rocket, that’s easy because it’s just a copy and paste into a Google Sheets or Excel spreadsheet so you have it for later. The format for it typically looks like this: Books > Business & Money > Management & Leadership > Strategy & Competition.

This strategy not only positions you to find the right categories for your book, but also the ones where you can rank towards the top. That matters because if you’re a best-seller, well, you’re a best seller! And just like on Google, the people browsing on Amazon aren’t likely to scroll too far, much less to another page. If you want your book to sell, it needs to be at the top of the categories, ideally in the top five. Use Publisher Rocket and spend a bit of time to get the right categories.

How to update your categories
Once you find a category that works, copy the pathway or address from Publisher Rocket (this will make sense when you’re in there). When you have all of your additional categories ready, and once your book is live (which we’ll show you shortly), then you can reach out to Amazon via the “Contact Us” button on the help section and update your categories. In a few hours, you’ll be set!

Getting the right keywords
Very similar to getting the right categories is getting the right keywords. I’ve found that what we think people are searching for is not what people are searching for. Because of that, we need to do our research.

Amazon gives you seven keywords or keyword phrases, your choice. There’s a lot of debate around whether short keywords (one or two words) are better, or if long ones are more advantageous. I’ve found that a mix best. Short keywords will capture more people, but longer ones will capture more of the RIGHT people.

The first way to find the right keywords is to start typing what you think you might use into the Amazon search bar. Much like Google, Amazon will start suggesting search terms below where you’re typing on the search bar. Start recording these and then, using your judgment, pick the ones that work best. If that doesn’t sound very scientific, you’re right.

The second way, and by far the best way, is to use Publisher Rocket. It’s even easier to nail down keywords with it than it is categories, and it’s very powerful. You’ll simply go into the keyword search tool and type a keyword or phrase. It will then suggest dozens of others like it, while showing you how many times it’s searched on Amazon (and Google), as well as a competitive score and a ton of other data.

As you might imagine, you’re looking for a low competitive score but high searches. Now, the perfect mix is never there, so find a few that look good and make note of them. These are the ones you’ll put in your dashboard. (We’ll walk through loading your book later).

Because this is one of the most important things you need to do, I’d really suggest dropping the $99 on Publisher Rocket. The only time I’d say it doesn’t matter is if you’re just using Amazon to publish and print your book and you’re going to be ordering “author copies” to hand out or sell on your own.

Do this right, though, and you’ll stack every odd in your favor for hitting best-seller and getting sustainable sales with your book. Of course, you’ll want to follow the rest of the best seller launch formula to follow.

Now, let’s get your book description done. And don’t worry, it’s easy…because you’ve done most of it already.